You know the flashy headline that screams,"You won't believe what happened next". This is the magical line of the news. We, the general people don't use this line regularly but our works are the reflection of this line. And it's the "Sensationalism"
Think, Sensationalism is a drama queen of the media world. It's like your the friend who always exaggerates their stories just to grab everyone's attention at the party. It's exciting.
But the problem is that sensationalism is the master illusionist of the media world.
Firstly, it taps into your emotions and makes you go.
Secondly, you start to believe in its smoke and fire, even if it's just a tiny spark.
Lastly, it pulls your strings, making you react emotionally without pursuing logic.
Sometimes selective reporting like Religion, and the emotions of people, can be the topic of sensationalism.
Let's pick the trending controversy about 'Tanzim Sakib'.
Here, in his personal timeline, he posts his opinion about his religious Sentiment. He is right on his grounds of religion. We should respect or ignore it. Not necessarily, we've to give an opinion only because he is a public figure. We've to know that, a public figure's personal life is not public property. As a public figure, his opinion can influence people, but it is not his problem because the problem is ours not to be able to use logic.
But the media and we trying to examine it in the liberal pov and conservative pov. It's simply a 'Logical Fallacy'. It's also a controversial interpretation.
And media take the driving seat to convert it into 'sensationalism'.
For that, we ignored the issues of concern. It should be our conflict of interest.
No need to agree, but think once.
Thank You.